I used to belong to several singing groups. One of my favorite songs has this line in it... "There is peace in the midst of a storm tossed life"
This week has been crazy. Stress and fading faith in mankind has assaulted me. Not only that but trying to not binge eat during this time.
I am glad to say that I did make a lot of healthy choices even if I did over eat a few times. My worst was about 20 deep fried tater tots with fry sauce.
BUT what is cool about all this is that I made a conscious effort not to binge eat and was aware of my normal reaction and how it is different this time.
In order to handle the stress and deal with the people my sense of humor, my dependence on Him (the Lord) did give me some peace. I have a long ways to go but it was great to know that I am getting stronger every day.
Here is wishing you each peace in the midst of this storm tossed life.