So.... todays food (so far)
Boiled Egg (just the white part)
1/4 cup frozen grapes
1/2 cup bananna squash
1 cup Cottage cheese
1 1/2 cup raw brocclli, carrots, califlower, sunflower seeds and black beans
2 Morningstar Spicy Bean Patties
NOW - lets see what tonight brings...
Be strong Michelle - you can do it - you can do - you can do it!!!
I just love your comics. They make me laugh. Yes I do sweat alot more. I can't believe how much I sweat by the end of my workout. Kara is really a slave driver. I think its great you post your food diary. I am having a hard time keeping one. I never liked writing down what I eat because it makes me think about food more often. Oh well, I will keep working on it.
I do not like writing down my food either. It does help me remember what I have eaten though. Sometimes I think I haven't eaten that much and then look at what I have written down - it is those "picking at food" moments that add those pesky calories.
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