I talked to a lady today who is my age. She said she got a trainer and by working out and eating healthy she has lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks. WHAT IS UP FOLKS??? I am not doing that. I may joke about my food and how "bad" I am being but I am doing pretty good. I have cut out a lot of foods that I used to eat and I eat a lot less so..... why is my scale just creeping down ounce by ounce? Do you know how many ounces are in a lb? Then many of my friends are on the HGH Diet and are loosing tons of weight. It is so tempting not to join them.................... Ok I vented
I feel the same. When someone tells you they have lost so many pounds in a few weeks and we are slowly losing...It gets to you some days. I guess the flip side is we are healthier?
I agree that it is very frustrating. I have been telling my self that it might take months for me to achieve what I want to do but in the process I am learning about myself and taking control. I still haven't gotten the eating thing under control either but in another 50 days we will! I love in the book where it says that I can eat something and that it is not forbidden..that helps me feel less deprived now if I can just not eat the whole pizza. ha, ha.
We are getting healthy as we learn to live with our reality of life - food, food every where - all the while making healthier choices not only with what we eat but in our activities.
I haven't gotten so I can eat goodies without feeling like I broke my "diet" though.
Be grateful for those small changes...when I was finally able to run a mile the other day without stopping it was huge for me but for some a mile is nothing.
Heidi has helped me get in a different mindset so I am not worrying about what other people are loosing and wondering what is wrong with me. It makes a big difference.
So true Becky - I have to keep my eye (and mind) on all the small changes that are taking place. A lot of it is the mind talk we give ourselves!
CONGRATS on running a mile! AWESOME!
Don't let the immediate success your friends see from the HGH diet get to you. It's not the way to go for long-term health. I'm proud that you've mastered a consistent exercise program -- that's HUGE! Food is a whole separate issue and I encourage you to keep working at it because you're going to find something that works for you.
I think a key component to overall and consistent weight loss is controlling the carbs. I wonder if cutting 1-2 carb servings a day in exchange for a fruit or veggie would help. Just a thought.
Stay positive and keep focused on the really GOOD things you're doing!
Monica - what you suggested is what I started doing just today. I also am not eating after 6 or 7 pm. I think for the most part I could live with that. I am trying not to do anything I can't live with the rest of my life.
Thanks for your input!
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