"No - I can't have that - I am on a diet" If I had a dime for every time I have said that or I have heard that I wouldn't be here typing this! I would be on some exotic island with a daily trainer and dietitian/chef.
We had cake at a baby shower today. I ate a bite. NOT because I am on a diet but because I wanted to save my fat calories for later on.
Again it is a choice not a diet.
Choices, yes. Dieting, no! Since 2004, I've learned that even when I have a day where everything goes wrong, the next one is a blank page, a fresh start and it's not only okay to forgive myself, it is mandatory! Am I there yet? No. Should I stop trying to reach my goal? Absolutely not! Hang in there Cousin. I'm on your team! /fmk
Thanks so much for being on my team. I love it!
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