Monday, June 8, 2009


When I was younger (16 or 17) I went on a diet where you could only eat 60 carbs a day. I can not remember if it worked or not. I just remember what a pain it was to figure out the carbs.

So... I can eat carbs on the healthy eating plan. About 60 per meal. Since I am a vegetarian I can eat beans, lentils, egg whites, soybeans, low fat dairy. I am adding to that baked potato with skins, whole grain brain (with about 14 - 16 grams of fiber in it). I love my carbs so if I am setting up a life long pattern of eating healthy then I have to add my potatoes and bread. I can salsa, low fat cottage cheese or Greek yogurt to top my potato with. Tis all about eating healthy.


Monica said...

You gave a good tip of what you add to a potato. I love baked potatoes, of course with butter, sour cream, bacon bits, etc. I'm going to try salsa and cottage sounds really good. Thanks for sharing the idea and like you, I love carbs too! A LOT!

Francine Morrow Keehnel said...

Graceful aging it seems, decreases one's tolerance for carb overloads, so that is added incentive to keep things balanced. I totally agree that potatoes and good, heart-healthy bread are dietary musts. I look for breads with the lowest calorie to highest fiber ratio for a win-win scenario. Baked potatoes topped with yogurt or cottage cheese & garnished with dried dill (or other herb of choice) taste yummy. Also, for a nice hearty flavored crunch, try imitation soy-protein bacon bits. /fmk