I remember distinctly the first time I was caught eating to sooth over my stressful/troubled day. I was in 3rd grade. I won't go into details but I can even remember where I was hiding and what I was getting ready to eat (no surprise it was carbs).
I didn't know it then but that was a fix that kept me sane on the outside and slowly killed me on the inside.
I am not saying every person that needs to loose weight is in the above category. I would dare say that some are. I could write forever on the dark dance I have had with food.
Last week my 1st stepfather died. He had sexually abused me. The obituary read that he was loved by all and was respected as a godly Christian man. If I could stand in the circle I would scream.... "I am angry because I knew you were a bad person yet you made me say that I loved you. I am angry that the one time you did a fatherly gesture it ended up that you were only doing it because you knew you would be alone with me. For goodness sakes I was a vulnerable child. I am angry because you got to run away to a new life. I am angry that you didn't suffer more than you did. I am angry that you had a church family that said you were so awesome when you weren't."
Well..... so it goes. I am 47 and still have some anger and some issues that I am not at all interested in dealing with. BUT the greatest thing is that I know who I am. I know that my anger towards this man will be very short lived and the only reason I even thought about him was because I heard he had died and then looked up his obituary (yes - that was a stupid thing to do!) I just need to process it a bit AND then set it aside. BUT the second greatest thing is that I didn't feel the need to stuff down the feelings with food. YUP - cool huh?
Michelle...this is an amazing post and touched me in several ways. You are an amazing woman who has conquered so much and you bring smiles to the faces of those around you!
Michelle, I'm grieving for you today after reading these comments. You have every right to feel as you do and it's frustrating that troubling events always seem to resurface from time-to-time. You're a great lady and I'm realizing your powerful amount of inner strength. I hope you have comfort knowing that his day of judgment is occurring now and that a just God will not overlook your pain and long-suffering that he caused you.
Michelle - You should be proud of yourself for overcoming those feelings. I am sorry you had to go through that.
Keep your chin up...you are an awesome person and deserve nothing but the best.
Hey ladies - thanks for your support and affirmation.It is okay for each of us to let ourselves know we are amazing, awesome women. Each day we get up, meet the challenges, touch the lives of others and take care of our families. We are awesome! Never look at someone else and wish you were like them because you are an individual and this world needs you to complete the picture.
The best advise I've ever been given said, "You can't accompish what God sent you here to do by being someone else. He needs you to be you and when you are, you can work miracles!"
Keep up the good work Michelle! Life throws some pretty challenging curve-balls sometimes, and those who can face them, forgive and move on or those who can find true joy, even through the hard times. I admire you!!
Thanks Heidi for your sweet words!
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